(60 ILCS 1/85-13)
    Sec. 85-13. Township services, generally.
    (a) The township board may either expend funds directly or may enter into any cooperative agreement or contract with any other governmental entity, not-for-profit corporation, non-profit community service association, or any for-profit business entity as provided in subsection (b) with respect to the expenditure of township funds, or funds made available to the township under the federal State and Local Fiscal Assistance Act of 1972, to provide any of the following services to the residents of the township:
        (1) Ordinary and necessary maintenance and operating expenses for the following:
            (A) Public safety (including law enforcement, fire protection, and building code
            (B) Environmental protection (including sewage disposal, sanitation, and pollution
            (C) Public transportation (including transit systems, paratransit systems, and
streets and roads).
            (D) Health, including mental, behavioral, eye, dental, or other healthcare.
            (E) Recreation.
            (F) Libraries.
            (G) Social services for the poor and aged.
        (2) Ordinary and necessary capital expenditures authorized by law.
        (3) Development and retention of business, industrial, manufacturing, and tourist
facilities within the township.
    (b) To be eligible to receive funds from the township under this Section, a private not-for-profit corporation or community service association shall have been in existence at least one year before receiving the funds. The township board may, however, for the purpose of providing day care services, contract with day care facilities licensed under the Child Care Act of 1969, regardless of whether the facilities are organized on a for-profit or not-for-profit basis.
    (c) Township governments that directly expend or contract for day care shall use the standard of need established by the Department of Children and Family Services in determining recipients of subsidized day care and shall use the rate schedule used by the Department of Children and Family Services for the purchase of subsidized day care. Notwithstanding the preceding sentence, the township board may approve the application of a different, publicly available, professional or academically recognized standard of need in determining eligibility for subsidized day care.
    (d) Township governments that directly expend or contract for senior citizen services may contract with for-profit (or not-for-profit) and non-sectarian organizations as provided in Sections 220-15 and 220-35.
    (e) Those township supervisors or other elected township officials who are also members of a county board shall not vote on questions before the township board or the county board that relate to agreements or contracts between the township and the county under this Section or agreements or contracts between the township and the county that are otherwise authorized by law.
    (f) The township board may enter into direct agreements with for-profit corporations or other business entities to carry out recycling programs in unincorporated areas of the township.
    The township board may by ordinance administer a recycling program or adopt rules and regulations relating to recycling programs in unincorporated areas of the township that it from time to time deems necessary and may provide penalties for violations of those rules and regulations.
    (g) For purposes of alleviating high unemployment, economically depressed conditions, and lack of moderately priced housing, the trustees of a township that includes all or a portion of a city that is a "financially distressed city" under the Financially Distressed City Law may contract with one or more not-for-profit or for-profit organizations to construct and operate within the boundaries of the township a factory designed to manufacture housing or housing components. The contract may provide for the private organization or organizations to manage some or all operations of the factory and may provide for (i) payment of employee compensation and taxes; (ii) discharge of other legal responsibilities; (iii) sale of products; (iv) disposition of the factory, equipment, and other property; and (v) any other matters the township trustees consider reasonable.
(Source: P.A. 103-192, eff. 1-1-24.)