Section 456.60 Violation Criteria for School Buses
The following components will be inspected during a nonscheduled inspection. A violation of one component may only necessitate a warning while other components may require a 3-day notice or cause the vehicle to be declared out-of-service. Certain components have criteria listed in more than one penalty category, depending on the degree of the specific violation. If any criteria listed below exists, the corresponding penalty will be issued:
a) Air Cleaner:
WARNING missing; not properly attached.
b) Aisle:
1) OUT-OF-SERVICE obstructed.
2) WARNING at least 12 inches (305 mm) of clearance (at seat cushion level) from service door to emergency door (or back of bus) is not present.
c) Alternator:
3-DAY belts are torn, broken or slipping; does not meet capacity rating or electrical requirements; not functioning.
d) Axles:
1) OUT-OF-SERVICE not firmly attached; cracked; broken; wheel seals leaking grease or fluids.
2) WARNING − pinion seal leaking.
e) Barrier, Guard:
1) OUT-OF-SERVICE missing; not solidly attached.
2) WARNING padding or covering is missing or shows wear and tear; barrier is not the same height as the seat back directly behind the barrier.
f) Battery or Batteries:
1) OUT OF SERVICE battery housing is cracked or hole is present (except vent hole or holes made by manufacturer).
2) WARNING excessive corrosion; not secured; insufficient capacity (per manufacturer's specifications); missing cap.
g) Battery Cables:
1) OUT-OF-SERVICE cables are rubbing through the insulation; wrong type cable is being used (e.g., top post cable is being used with side post battery); connectors or wires are bare.
2) WARNING broken; corroded; not securely attached.
h) Battery Carrier/Compartment:
WARNING when battery is mounted outside of engine compartment, it is not properly attached in weather-tight vented compartment; compartment door does not latch.
i) Brakes:
1) OUT-OF-SERVICE any problem found with service brake system (includes the anti-lock braking system (ABS) indicator lamp). SBBIR forms not being completed, maintained or available for inspection. Any defect in emergency/parking brake system (other than indicator light).
2) WARNING SBBIR not completed properly. Emergency/parking brake indicator light not functioning.
j) Bumper, Front:
1) OUT-OF-SERVICE missing; bumper damage that interferes with tire condition or movement; loose; broken; protruding parts.
2) WARNING if vehicle's GVWR is over 10,000 lbs., the bumper is not made of rolled steel approximately 3/16 (.18) inch thick or not energy absorbing type; if vehicle's GVWR is 10,000 lbs. or less, the bumper is not metal construction or not energy absorbing; for type I-A school bus, the bumper may meet manufacturer's specifications when the school bus is equipped with a driver side air bag.
k) Bumper, Rear:
1) OUT-OF-SERVICE − missing; loose; broken; protruding parts.
2) WARNING hitchable; if vehicle's GVWR is over 10,000 lbs., bumper is not made of channel-type steel approximately 3/16 (.18) inch thick; if vehicle's GVWR is 10,000 lbs. or less, bumper is not metal construction or not energy absorbing.
l) Certificate of Safety:
OUT-OF-SERVICE missing; expired; voided; over on mileage; incorrect type of Certificate of Safety.
m) Certification Label, Federal:
WARNING missing; defaced; destroyed; illegible; not permanently affixed; required information is missing (refer to 92 Ill. Adm. Code 441.Appendix C(c) or 92 Ill. Adm. Code 443.Appendix C(c)).
n) Child Check System:
WARNING − a mechanical or electronic child check system is installed but the interior lights are not illuminated when the ignition is either turned off or to the "accessories" position; mechanical or electronic system is not functioning and no company policy is evident that a manual child check system is used.
o) Cleanliness:
WARNING excessive rubbish or trash; excessive dirt; spilled fluids; decorations.
p) Communication Device:
WARNING − two-way radio or cell phone does not operate; two-way radio or cell phone is not present and no documentation is provided indicating the communication device requirement is being met by the use of a cell phone.
q) Crossing Control Arm:
1) OUT-OF-SERVICE − missing; does not work or function properly; illegal on/off switch; does not meet minimum length of 5 feet from the front face of the bumper.
2) 3-DAY − red light or red reflector is present.
r) Dash:
1) OUT-OF-SERVICE attached equipment.
2) WARNING clutter on dash.
s) Defrosters:
1) OUT-OF-SERVICE does not function properly between October 2 and April 14; blades are not protected.
2) WARNING does not function properly between April 15 and October 1; auxiliary fans are not securely mounted.
t) Drive Shaft Guard:
1) OUT-OF-SERVICE missing on any segment of the drive shaft.
2) WARNING not solid; not firmly attached.
u) Emergency Exits:
1) OUT-OF-SERVICE illegal locks (refer to 92 Ill. Adm. Code 441. Appendix D(b)(4)) or 92 Ill. Adm. Code 443.Appendix D(b)(4)); no engine cutoff; obstructed; latch broken; exit does not operate; both audible and visible alarms on emergency exit doors do not operate; no audible alarm on emergency window exits; audible alarm is not continuous; child passenger restraint system (i.e., car seat) is located on the bench seat next to a designated emergency exit window (does not include a factory-installed built-in child restraint system).
2) WARNING binding; no guard; exterior handle is hitchable; door does not seal properly; either audible or visible alarms on emergency exit doors do not operate; stop bracket on door that allows the door to stay open is missing or does not function (buses manufactured prior to May 2, 1994 are exempt).
v) Engine Compartment:
1) 3-DAY excessive oil in engine compartment.
2) WARNING − minor oil in engine compartment; does not start or run properly (except when the bus is in the process of being repaired).
w) Entrance (Service) Door/Driver's Door/Additional Doors:
1) OUT-OF-SERVICE fails to close; view is obstructed; illegal locks; does not operate properly; manual override is missing or not functioning on power operated doors; special service door not made inoperable if seats are installed next to the special service door.
2) WARNING rubber seals are missing or torn; holes are present; not sealing properly; minor binding.
x) Exhaust System:
1) OUT-OF-SERVICE any leaks in the exhaust system; broken; disconnected; discharge is located beneath fuel filler location or beneath emergency exit door; improper size reduction.
2) WARNING shield is not present if required (refer to 92 Ill. Adm. Code 441.Appendix D(d)(2) or 92 Ill. Adm. Code 443.Appendix D(d)(2)); extends more than one inch past the body; not securely attached or supported.
y) Fenders:
OUT-OF-SERVICE protruding components; not securely attached; excessive collision damage that is detrimental to the safe operation of the vehicle; missing.
z) Fire Extinguisher:
1) OUT-OF-SERVICE not fully charged; missing.
2) WARNING seal is broken; improper rating; overcharged; not mounted in readily accessible location; not labeled if in compartment.
aa) First Aid Kit:
1) OUT-OF-SERVICE missing; empty.
2) WARNING kit does not contain (at a minimum) 2 packages of 4" bandage compresses (one per package), 2 packages of 2" bandage compresses (4 per package), one package of 1" bandage or adhesive compresses (16 per package), 40" triangle bandage with 2 safety pins, one splint (wire or wood); medicine or tourniquet is present; not mounted in readily accessible location; defective container.
bb) Floor, Floor Covering, Firewall, Occupant Compartment and Engine Cover:
1) OUT-OF-SERVICE holes are present; sagging so that the integrity of the frame is jeopardized; broken; not firmly attached.
2) WARNING sagging except when the integrity of the frame is jeopardized; torn, loose or missing covering; missing or damaged floor stripping; defective boots; engine cover does not latch or seal properly; loose carpeting or floor mat in driver's area.
cc) Frame and Body:
1) Frame:
OUT-OF-SERVICE broken; cracked; improper welds; rusted through; structurally unsafe; sagging.
2) Body (Exterior and Interior):
A) OUT-OF-SERVICE collision damage that is detrimental to the safe operation of the vehicle; not properly attached to the frame. Body tie downs are loose or missing. Holes penetrating the interior of the vehicle.
B) WARNING holes are present but are not penetrating the interior of the vehicle; any other component is loose, missing or broken.
dd) Fuel Storage and Delivery System:
1) OUT-OF-SERVICE fuel tank is leaking or loose; no fuel tank guard; fuel lines are loose, sagging, rubbing, chaffing, leaking, cracked or broken; fuel cap is missing.
2) 3-DAY alternate fuel system not removed after conversion to gasoline or diesel (alternate fuel is no longer used).
3) WARNING − no metal heat shield is present if any flammable material, insulated wire, brake hose/line, or fuel system component containing fuel is located within 12 inches (300 mm) (4 inches for diesel powered engines) of a component containing exhaust gas.
ee) Grab Handles (Exterior and Interior):
1) OUT-OF-SERVICE − exterior and/or interior grab handles are missing on a school bus with a GVWR of more than 10,000 lbs.; interior grab handle is missing on a school bus with a GVWR of 10,000 lbs. or less; hitchable; snagable. Exception: type I-A school buses are exempt from exterior grab handles.
AGENCY NOTE: "Hitchable" is defined as being designed to allow riding or grasping on to an exterior portion of the bus so as to "hitch" a ride.
2) WARNING handles are loose.
ff) Heaters:
1) OUT-OF-SERVICE − heaters are not working between October 2 and April 14 (except stepwell heater).
2) WARNING poor working condition; defective, damaged, unsecured hoses, supports or baffles; not firmly attached; rear heater is not protected by a seat or is not padded; defective or missing switches; not working between April 15 and October 1; stepwell heater is not working (if present).
gg) Hood:
OUT-OF-SERVICE does not open; broken, missing or defective latches or hinges.
hh) Horn (Interior):
1) OUT-OF-SERVICE missing horn or horn component; not audible for 200 feet; cannot be controlled from driver's seat.
2) WARNING − not readily accessible to driver; unsecured wiring; not labeled if location is other than steering column.
ii) Instruments and Instrument Panel:
1) OUT-OF-SERVICE brake failure indicator gauges or devices do not operate properly or are missing; headlight switch defective; odometer not working; turn signal lever not functioning properly.
2) 3-DAY 8-light flasher or high beam indicator lights do not operate properly or are missing; switches (other than headlight) are defective or missing; speedometer not functioning.
3) WARNING − instruments or instrument panel obstructed by unauthorized material (e.g., books, radios, trash, food, etc.); emergency brake indicator light does not function.
jj) Lettering (Interior and Exterior):
WARNING required lettering is missing (see 92 Ill. Adm. Code 441.Appendix G(c) or 92 Ill. Adm. Code 443.Appendix G(c)); incorrect location; incorrect color; illegible; decals or lettering not authorized or allowed by Section 12-802 of the Code or 92 Ill. Adm. Code 441 or 443 is present; lettering is obstructed; no window stop lines; lettering does not contrast with its background.
kk) Lights/Lamps (Exterior and Interior) (see 92 Ill. Adm. Code 441.Appendix G(d) or 92 Ill. Adm. Code 443.Appendix G(d) for proper colors):
1) Backup:
A) 3-DAY both lights do not function.
B) WARNING − one light does not function; improper color; broken lens or other component.
2) Clearance:
WARNING do not function; improper color; broken lens or other component.
3) Flashing 8-light System:
A) OUT-OF-SERVICE do not function; incorrect sequence; do not cancel; illegal by-pass activation switch (red lights only); improper color; broken lens or other component.
B) WARNING − 8-light activation indicator panel not functioning properly; crossing control arm override switch not wired properly.
4) Headlights:
A) OUT-OF-SERVICE do not function; improper color; dimmer switch defective; not securely attached.
B) WARNING cracked lens; water accumulated in the headlight.
5) Identification (Cluster):
WARNING − do not function; improper color; broken lens or other component.
6) Interior:
WARNING do not function; improper color; broken lens or other component; missing or broken switches.
7) License Plate:
WARNING does not function; missing; improper color; broken lens or other component.
8) Parking:
WARNING do not function; improper color; broken lens or other component.
9) Sidemarker:
WARNING missing; do not function; improper color; broken lens or other component.
10) Stepwell: (required when headlights are ON)
WARNING does not function; improper color; broken lens or other component.
11) Stop/Brake:
A) OUT-OF-SERVICE does not function; does not release; improper color; broken lens.
B) WARNING cracked lens.
12) Strobe:
AGENCY NOTE: Mandatory on all school buses manufactured after December 31, 1999.
A) OUT-OF-SERVICE missing (if required); not visible from any direction.
B) 3-DAY not operating properly.
C) WARNING location is incorrect (see AGENCY NOTE below).
AGENCY NOTE: The correct strobe location is determined by the strobe's filament height. The filament height (in inches) is multiplied by 30 and the lamp is located that distance (in inches) from the rear of the bus. If this formula cannot be met (e.g., length of the bus, air conditioner, or roof hatch prohibits), the strobe can be located as near as practicable above the rear axle, horizontally centered between the rear tires, and always to the rear of roof exits and/or air conditioners.
13) Tail:
A) OUT-OF-SERVICE do not function; improper color; broken lens.
B) 3-DAY cracked lens.
14) Turn Signal (Front and Rear):
A) OUT-OF-SERVICE missing; do not function; broken lens; driver activation lever is defective or missing.
B) WARNING improper color; cracked lens.
15) Turn Signal (Left and Right Armored) (if vehicle's GVWR is over 10,000 lbs.):
WARNING side armored turn signal or signals are missing; do not function; cracked lens; "armor" is missing.
ll) Mirrors (Exterior and Interior):
1) OUT-OF-SERVICE missing; not functioning as required; broken mirror or mount; mirror is cracked, pitted or clouded to obstruct driver's view; size or type not approved.
2) WARNING cracked, clouded or pitted but not obstructing driver's view; stickers or unauthorized materials are present; loose mounting.
mm) Paint Requirements:
1) OUT-OF-SERVICE − exterior is not national school bus glossy yellow except: rooftop may be white; body trim, rub rails, lettering other than on a stop signal arm and bumpers shall be glossy black; hood and upper cowl may be lusterless black or lusterless school bus yellow; grilles on the front, lamp trim and hubcaps may be a bright finish; name or emblem of a manufacturer may be colorless or any color; wheels and rims may be black, gray or manufacturer's option; lug nut torque indicators may be any color.
2) WARNING reflective tape outlining emergency exits is missing, defective, improperly located, improper color, poor condition; paint is in poor condition.
nn) Pedals (Accelerator, Service Brake, Clutch, Emergency/Parking Brake):
1) OUT-OF-SERVICE − missing; damaged; pedal extensions are not from a manufacturer.
2) 3-DAY rubber cover or non-skid material is missing.
oo) Pre-trip Book − (See 92 Ill. Adm. Code 458 (School Bus Driver's Pretrip Inspection Requirements).):
WARNING not being prepared; missing; improper completion; operator not complying with recordkeeping requirements of 92 Ill. Adm. Code 458.
pp) Projections:
1) Exterior:
A) OUT-OF-SERVICE − dangerous to pedestrians or other vehicles.
B) WARNING hitchable.
2) Interior:
WARNING not padded (if required); interferes with entering or exiting the bus or with head impact zone (e.g., cameras, air conditioners, brooms, etc).
qq) Radio Speakers:
WARNING − located within restricted area and not disconnected (includes portable radio speakers). (Two-way radio speakers are exempt.)
rr) Reflectors/Reflective Tape (also see Paint Requirements):
WARNING missing; damaged; not properly located; wrong color.
ss) Rub Rails:
WARNING missing; damaged; not securely attached.
tt) Seat Belt (Driver's):
1) OUT-OF-SERVICE missing; broken; improper mounting; buckle does not operate properly.
2) WARNING driver's retractor does not operate properly; driver's seat belt is on the floor.
uu) Seat Belt (Passenger):
OUT-OF-SERVICE missing (if required, see AGENCY NOTE); broken; improper mounting; buckle does not operate properly.
AGENCY NOTE: Each school bus shall be equipped with retractable lap belt assembly for the driver's seat. A shoulder harness is optional. FMVSS require passenger safety belts on any school bus that has a GVWR of 10,000 lbs. or less (i.e., a type II school bus). Passenger safety belts are optional on any school bus that has a GVWR of more than 10,000 lbs. (i.e., a type I school bus). However, optional safety belts installed on any type I school bus manufactured on or after October 21, 2011 are required to meet the same FMVSS that are required for type II school buses. (See 49 CFR 571.210 (October 1, 2013).)
vv) Seat, Driver's:
1) OUT-OF-SERVICE − broken; loose; missing.
2) WARNING damaged covering; not adjustable.
ww) Seats, Passenger:
1) OUT-OF-SERVICE loose; broken frame or components; seats installed in a manner other than prescribed in 49 CFR 571.222 (October 1, 2013) (except special education buses with prior Division approval).
2) WARNING incorrect height or center-to-center seat spacing (refer to 92 Ill. Adm. Code 441.Appendix I(c) or 92 Ill. Adm. Code 443.Appendix I(c)); damaged covering; loose seat cushion; metal seat frame not protected by padding.
xx) Steering System:
1) Exterior:
A) Linkage Components:
OUT-OF-SERVICE broken; bent; welded repairs; loose; insecurely mounted; missing.
B) Steering Components:
OUT-OF-SERVICE broken; loose; leaking; binding; belts and hoses frayed or cracked; power or power-assist unit inoperative or missing; reservoir low or empty; incorrect fluid.
2) Interior:
OUT-OF-SERVICE column support bracket is broken, loose or missing; excessive up and down movement in steering shaft; excessive damage to steering wheel; spokes are missing; lash exceeds acceptable limits.
yy) Steps, Entrance:
1) OUT-OF-SERVICE broken; rusted through.
2) WARNING sagging; damaged ribbing; defective or missing white nosing; obstructed (i.e., any item that is blocking or partially blocking the steps).
zz) Stop Signal Arm Panel:
1) OUT-OF-SERVICE missing; lights not functioning (if equipped with lights); entire surface is not retroreflective and no lamps are present; panel does not operate properly.
2) 3-DAY incorrect panel; lights not flashing alternately (i.e., one light not functioning, if equipped with lights); optional second stop signal arm panel is not located on the left side of the bus; optional second panel does not operate in conjunction with the required panel; optional second panel contains any marking or reflective material on the front side of the panel; optional second panel is not located in the rear half of the bus adjacent to the rearmost window.
3) WARNING incorrect paint (refer to 92 Ill. Adm. Code 441.Appendix J(a) or 92 Ill. Adm. Code 443.Appendix J(a)); poor condition; crossing control arm override switch is wired improperly allowing stop signal arm panel to activate when the 8-way flashing signal system is deactivated.
aaa) Storage Compartment (Interior):
1) 3-DAY − not readily accessible to driver; alarm does not function when compartment is locked and engine is running (only when fire extinguisher, warning devices, or first aid kit are located in storage compartment).
2) WARNING lettering (i.e., FIRE EXTINGUISHER, FIRST AID KIT, and/or WARNING DEVICES) is missing (only when fire extinguisher, warning devices, or first aid kit are located in storage compartment). Red Cross formed of 5 equal squares is missing (if first aid kit is located in storage compartment).
bbb) Sun Visor:
WARNING broken; damaged; missing; not adjustable; not transparent (type I school bus only); measures less than 6 inches by 30 inches (type I school bus only); measures less than 5 inches by 16 inches (type II school bus); not installed above windshield; interferes with view of interior rear view mirror; for type I-A school buses, the sun visor may meet manufacturer's standards.
ccc) Suspension:
1) Shocks:
A) OUT-OF-SERVICE broken; missing; broken mounts.
B) WARNING leakage; loose mounting.
2) Springs and Spring Assembly Components:
OUT-OF-SERVICE broken; cracked; damaged; loose; missing spring or spring assembly component.
3) Air
OUT-OF-SERVICE − leaking; damaged; leaning excessively; rubbing on frame or body.
ddd) Tow Hooks (optional):
WARNING extend beyond bumper; not securely attached.
eee) Trash Container (optional):
WARNING − if present, not secure; obstructs aisle or exits; overflowing with trash; poses a tripping hazard. (Trash container, if present, is not required to be attached to the school bus.)
fff) Warning Devices:
1) OUT-OF-SERVICE − missing.
2) WARNING incomplete set; reflectors are cracked or broken; flags are ripped or torn; emergency triangles are not operational; not securely stored; not readily accessible.
ggg) Wheels:
1) Wheel Housing:
OUT-OF-SERVICE tire rubs against any portion of chassis, body or bumper; housing does not allow for unimpeded wheel and tire service or removal; housing does not provide clearance for installation and use of tire chains; not firmly secured; holes are present.
2) Rim:
OUT-OF-SERVICE cracked; broken; elongated holes; missing or broken lug nuts; lock ring damaged; bent; improper welds.
3) Tires:
A) Steering axle:
i) OUT-OF-SERVICE regrooved, recapped, retreaded; restricting markings are present; insufficient tread depth at any measured point of a major tread groove (less than 4/32); broken or cut cord; any sign of carcass failure; tires are not same construction; regular and mud/snow tread are mixed; radial and bias ply tires are used incorrectly; bias tube installed on radial; valve stem is damaged; improper inflation; tire does not meet what federal certification label requires for vehicle; tire size (i.e., diameter and/or width) exceeds size of other tires on same axle.
ii) WARNING signs of excessive dry rot.
B) Drive axle:
i) OUT-OF-SERVICE missing; regrooved or recut on tire not labeled "regroovable"; restricting markings are present; insufficient tread depth at any measured point of a major tread groove (less than 2/32); broken or cut cord; any sign of carcass failure; tires are not same construction; placement of mud/snow tread tire and regular tread tire on same axle is not the same on each side of the axle; radial and bias ply tires are used incorrectly; bias tube installed on radial; valve stem is damaged; improper inflation; tire does not meet what federal certification label requires for vehicle; tire size (i.e., diameter and/or width) exceeds size of other tires on same axle.
ii) WARNING signs of excessive dry rot.
hhh) Window Glazing:
1) Emergency Exit Windows:
A) OUT-OF-SERVICE − missing; shattered; any sharp edge that could inflict cuts to the skin.
B) WARNING − improper "AS" rating; incorrect glazing material; any crack to glazing; visibility obstructed.
2) Service Door Windows:
A) OUT-OF-SERVICE − missing; shattered; any sharp edge that could inflict cuts to the skin; visibility obstructed.
B) WARNING − improper "AS" rating; incorrect glazing material; any crack to glazing.
3) Side Windows:
A) OUT-OF-SERVICE − missing; shattered; any sharp edge that could inflict cuts to the skin; visibility obstructed in driver's side window.
B) WARNING − improper "AS" rating; incorrect glazing material; any crack to glazing; visibility obstructed other than to driver's side window.
4) Windshield:
A) OUT-OF-SERVICE − missing; shattered; not firmly sealed or attached; any crack more than 6 inches in length in the area swept by the windshield wiper blade; any "starchip" measuring more than 1 inch in diameter in the area swept by the windshield wiper blade; driver's visibility obstructed; any sharp edge that could inflict cuts to the skin.
B) WARNING − any crack more than 6 inches in length outside the area swept by the windshield wiper blade; any "starchip" more than 1 inch in diameter outside the area swept by the windshield wiper blade; discoloration more than 3 inches up from the bottom or more than 1 inch down from the top or in more than 1 inch from the left or right side (except tinting that is allowed by Section 12-503 of the Code.
iii) Windshield Washer:
WARNING does not operate properly; no fluid; broken; missing components.
jjj) Windshield Wipers:
1) OUT-OF-SERVICE wipers do not operate; broken blades or arms; driver activation knob is defective or missing.
2) WARNING does not cover entire cleaning area; rubber blades are damaged; does not park properly; scratches windshield; wipers operate on only one speed.
kkk) Wiring (Interior, Exterior, Engine Compartment) and Insulation:
1) OUT-OF-SERVICE − for school buses manufactured on or after January 1, 2006, noise suppression switch is missing or does not turn off noise producing accessories, including, but not limited to, heater blowers, defroster fans, auxiliary fans and radios. (Two-way radio and emergency exit alarms are exempt from noise suppression switch.)
2) WARNING insulation is broken, frayed, or missing; circuit breaker is missing (only applicable to electrical systems that utilize circuit breakers) or 2 extra fuses for each fuse used are not conveniently mounted for easy access (only applicable to electrical systems that utilize fuses); not securely attached; not on proper circuit.
(Source: Amended at 38 Ill. Reg. 12941, effective June 4, 2014) |